
Saturday, January 30, 2010


Wow I cannot help but to be smitten with all of these wonderful awards!!!! It really is a great feeling to get recognition and feel appreciated within a community of such exceptionally talented writers. It is equally as delightful to pass on the awards and give opportunity for new faces to show up on new blogs, creating new connections. It feels so nice to  be able to show appreciation to the people who grace my computer screen with their honesty and heartache, humor and insight, and who enlighten my life through their experiences, creativity, art, photographs, and written words. 

Thank you Miss OverThinker from Life Uncensored for this Happy Award! I am so happy that you are back!
The way it works is this: list 10 things that make you happy and then pass this award to 10 bloggers that make you happy.

1. Really good coffee with Italian Sweet Cream creamer. MMMMMM

2. All the adorable affection I get from my 2 year old, Victorya and seeing her older brother and sister smile :)

3. Still getting butterflies around Bryson and feeling the security of our love

4. Cuddling with my Himalayan kitty, Nala-ago, or playing with our big white fluffy dog, Belle

5. Walking barefoot in mud, or water, or muddy water, especially when it is in the warm rain

6. The right song playing at the right time, creating the soundtrack for life

7. Forever friends. The kind that you can lose touch for years and when you meet again, you pick up like there was no time lost and your friendship is always growing, trusting, and beautiful, no matter the time in between encounters or the miles in between you.

8. Homecooked meals shared with friends

9. Blogging and all of the things it has become for me and the friends I have found because of it

10.Any picture that has my Grandpa in it

and now for 10 bloggers that make me happy!

Clean and Crazy @ My Recovery

You all touch my life in some way and you bring me joy and happiness in my everyday life. I appreciate you all! There are quite a few happy awards going around, so if you are receiving doubles, don't do awards, or just don't have time, please do not feel obligated in any way to repost and pass along these awards. 

Roxy at Woman of Essence passed along the Happy 101 to me. Thanks Roxy! The rules of receiving this award is to link it back to the presenter and pass it on to at least three other bloggers and list 10 things that make you happy. Of course I already did 10, but I am full of gratitude and have so many things that make me happy, so here are 10 more.

1. The smell of cut grass
2. Playing Mafia Wars on Facebook
3. Taking pictures
4. Taking classes
5. Babies
6.Seeing charity in action 
7. Fixing something
8. Tiramisu
9. Moscato 
10. Seeing new places

and now some more bloggers that make me happy! 

Single Mama @ Single Mama NYC

Again- THANK THANK THANK YOU for the awards, thank YOU all for being you, and for writing and sharing your words and your lives!!!!


  1. Thank you mentioning me - I feel warmed by it :)

  2. Thank you for mentioning me!
    I got tagged by that "Lucky 8" three times in less than two weeks! I've not done any yet! But, since I love your award, It looks like I can't get out of this one!
    Have a great day!

  3. Awwwwwwww, thanks Midnite, for the Happy Award :) I appreciate you thinking of me!

    And, you are welcome for the Happy 101... you so well deserve it my friend. I love both of your lists!

    Sending you warm wishes for a great Sunday! Hugs!

  4. Thanks for thinking of me too. Somehow I would have guessed that it would be easy for you to come up twenty things that make you happy in one blog!

  5. Is that my name I see on there? How nice of you. (: I shall post it soon and pass it along.

  6. Congrats on your awards. I love all your happy lists...I too, love walking barefoot in the mud and love the wonderfulness that is the blogging world. Just reading this made me smile. :) I am happy to finally feel good enough to read a few blogs. Thanks for the smile. XX Lori

  7. Thank you so much. I LOVE your comments, and your blog. :) YOU make ME happy!!!! :)

  8. came over from Madisons'. She thinks you're the best....I realize I'm following you but haven't been here for awhile. Glad to be back. Sarah

  9. Came here from Alice in wonderland's blog. I love your blog name Sacred Insanity.. LOL. Let me know if you would like to connect..

  10. Congrats on the awards! You deserve them! Love your lists!


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